24 June 2011

The Rainy Day Drive

Today is one of those blah rainy days when I didn't feel like hauling my ass to work. Of course, being the "sensible" me, I decided to get on with life. I receive a call from my sister asking, ever so nicely, if I can baby-sit her 6-year old son. I, of course say yes, being that this nephew of mine is an instant pick-me-upper! Thinking to myself "this is what I need today. I'll have a smooth day with this kiddo!" Surprise, surprise, he pulls a fast one on me and rather gives me a morning to remember...

While driving, he suddenly asks me an innocent question: "If you are not working at the studio, what will you be doing?" My mind took a few seconds to realize what he was asking me. And, on instinct, I opened my mouth to say something mature...then quickly i decided against it and closed my mouth. Who was I kidding? His question It hit me--did i really know what i would be doing should i not be working? Am I happy with how things are in my life? Hmmm...

It took a 6-year old to make me stop in my tracks and really ask myself what I wanted to be or where i wanted to be. Now in my very early 30s, it seems it took me a bit than others my age to really be able to answer THE QUESTION with truth. Kids really do say the oddest or even the truest things.

Of course, it had to happen today, the rainy day. I decide it is a wakeup call for me to figure out what i truly, truly want! Now,please excuse me-- I'm off to ponder this simple but loaded question from a 6-year old child.


Far Skyes said...

"Man is never satisfied", precisely the reason why there's economics. I think the million$ question would be "am i happy with my present state?" One may be gifted career-wise yet empty on the family-time/emotional side (or even ME-time). All in all, money (though a necessary evil) is not and should not be an end in itself. People need to be motivated intrinsically as well...

ChinaDoll Style said...

I'm quite new at reading and responding to comments. It took me half a month, my apologies! But, you're right on spot! Hoping to hear more of your comments on my future posts! :)

jenny said...

Such a witty comment from a small child. But seriously, we all have to stop and ponder deeply on these things sometimes. I, too, have asked myself this question a lot of times: do I want to see myself still working even when I'm 45? I want to have time with my future hubby and kids and that comes with financial freedom. ;)


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